10 Most Endangered Sites
in New Jersey Program
The 10 Most Endangered Historic Places in New Jersey Program spotlights irreplaceable historic, architectural, cultural, and archaeological resources in New Jersey that are in imminent danger of being lost. The act of listing these resources acknowledges their importance to the heritage of New Jersey, and draws attention to the predicaments that endanger their survival and the survival of historic resources statewide. The list, generated from nominations by the public, aims to attract new perspectives and ideas to sites in desperate need of creative and proactive methods for restoration, use, and sustainability for generations to come.

Preservation New Jersey invites nominations for our annual list of New Jersey’s 10 Most Endangered Historic Places. Through these nominations, PNJ strives to increase public awareness of historic preservation issues throughout New Jersey.
To nominate a property, nominators will complete a form which includes a narrative, support materials such as letters of support, photographs and/or video.
The list, generated from nominations by the public, aims to attract new perspectives and ideas to sites in desperate need of creative solutions. Through the 10 Most, we have an opportunity to bolster these places’ recognition, preservation, interpretation, and funding, and in doing so, help protect them for generations to come.
Included within the program:
Technical Assistance: Nominations selected on the 10 Most list will receive technical assistance and support from the Executive Director, PNJ Staff, and Board members. Support will come in assisting organizations and/or government agencies in how to effectively preserve their site, share their story, and attract volunteers and potential partners in all efforts to preserve the endangered site. While being on the list does not come with any funding, PNJ will provide assistance in how to receive financial support for planning, education, and capital improvement projects.
Owner Notice: There will be more collaboration with property owners. If the historic or cultural resource is not owned by the nominator, the nominator will need to, in its best efforts, seek either permission from the owner or be able to demonstrate what the relationship is between the nominator and owner. PNJ will follow up with all owners of nominated sites for further discussions.
Preservation NJ Board will use the following basic criteria for initial consideration into the 10 Most Program:
Architectural integrity and historic significance;
Imminence of threats and preservation need;
Viability that inclusion into the program, will make a positive impact on continued preservation efforts; and
Geographic and thematic diversity.

2025 Most Endangered Call for Nominations
If you have questions regarding site eligibility or the nomination process, please contact Preservation New Jersey at info@preservationnj.org