On November 9, 2023, Preservation New Jersey, NJ Historic Trust and other historic preservation partners, took time to meet and advocate support for several important preservation priorities that affect our state with eight (8) representatives in Washington, D.C. This advocacy day was led in conjunction with the National Trust for Historic Preservation's annual Forum conference.
Key issues presented were as follows:
Support for the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) - Authorization for the HPF is set to expire. If not authorized, 23 states would see a decrease in funding based on current funding levels set for states under the HPF; this will include the State of New Jersey. It is also important to note, if the proposed legislation is enacted, it would also increase the HPF funding, which would represent the first increase in more than 40 years.
Update of the Federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) – requesting new legislation to improve the HTC, which has generated new economic activity by leveraging private dollars—$181 billion since inception—to preserve historic buildings and create jobs. The new provisions will bring more value to HTC, improve access to the credit, and enhance investment opportunities for smaller rehabilitation projects.
Capital Needs for NJ Historic Sites – through the work of various state agencies and partners, a needs assessment concludes that more than $250 million is needed for historic sites across New Jersey. As we prepare ourselves for the Nation’s 250th celebrations, we need to encourage new funding strategies and appropriations to support our heritage and tourism initiatives.
For the full packet of information presented to Representatives, download here: